
Monday, October 31, 2016

Defense Attorney: Should You Plead “No Contest” on Domestic Violence?

An Auburn defense attorney will have a plethora of possible defenses for a client being charged with domestic violence. However, if a defendant is involved in a case that has potential to turn into a civil suit, pleading “no contest” might be a better option. This is especially true if the defendant doesn’t want the details of the case to be publicized or if the outcome of the trial is uncertain.

Nolo Contendere

Nolo contendere or a “no contest plea” is different from admitting that you committed the crime, and is allowed in most states. If you plead guilty, you are essentially saying that you have no defense for your action and that the court can just levy punishment against you. Entering a no contest plea, on the other hand, means that you admit no guilt for the crime but the court will also determine punishment as well. Read more on this article:


Saturday, October 29, 2016

Don’t Let a DUI Ruin Your Thanksgiving, Says a DUI Defense Lawyer

There’s much to love and to be thankful for about Thanksgiving. Just imagining all the food that you’ll get to share with your whole family is enough for you to look forward to this holiday.

On the other hand, Thanksgiving is also the holiday wherein drivers and pedestrians alike are more at risk of accidents. There’s a reason why the holiday is book ended by Black Friday and Blackout Wednesday: as it turns out, the combination of a four-day weekend, binge-drinking parties among college students, and a false sense of calm on the road make more people feel more confident on pushing their blood alcohol level over the (legal) limit. Read more on this article:


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Cops Need a Warrant Before Asking a Blood Test, Says a DUI Attorney

You’ve heard stories of those arrested for DUI. Some may have even related how they had to choose between taking a blood test and receiving criminal penalties. Much has been said on when you should or should not agree to a blood test, especially when you’re apprehended for DUI.

A recent ruling from the Supreme Court, however, changes things. As a DUI lawyer would explain, the Court has clarified that the Constitution places limits on police officers who wish to measure a person’s blood-alcohol level after an arrest. Read more on this article:


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Auburn Defense Attorney Chosen to Join WSBA Sections Policy Workgroup

Kim E. Hunter, an experienced Auburn defense attorney has recently been chosen to join the Washington State Bar Association (WSBA) Sections Policy Workgroup. Ms. Hunter has the honor to represent the BAR sections groups for various areas of law. She takes on the title of Section Leader and the role of a representative for the “mid-sized” sections from the Bar. She is tasked to gather viewpoints and be the voice of these sections to the Board of Governors regarding certain sensitive internal fiscal matters and governance issues.

The Sections Policy Workgroup was formed by the WSBA Board of Governors on July of last year. The purpose of this group would be to review WSBA policies as they relate to WSBA sections and make recommendations that would be considered by the Board of Governors. The Workgroup would also be responsible for offering its core members benefits including educational, networking, leadership opportunities, and direct communication.


Saturday, October 8, 2016

DUI Attorney Kim Hunter Gives Presentation on the Psychology of Juries

Renowned Kent DUI attorney Kim E. Hunter gives a presentation on “The Psychology of Juries” at the 23rd Annual Criminal Justice Institute (CJI). Attorney Kim Hunter has co-chaired this event for six consecutive years now, and she is proud to be a part of such a huge gathering of legal professionals. A partnership between the Washington State Bar Association and WSBA Criminal Law Section made it possible for prosecutors, defense counsel, judges and law enforcement professionals to come together, all in the name of discussing the most pressing issues in criminal law.

The 23rd Annual CJI is a 2-day seminar that will be held from Thursday, September 22, 2016 to Friday, September 23, 2016 at the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission in Burien, Washington. Attendees will earn 14 CLE credits (13 Law and Legal Procedure, and 1 Ethics).


Friday, October 7, 2016

A Trusted DUI Lawyer Discusses Lack of Probable Cause During Arrests

You’ve probably heard of DUI or driving under the influence, but have you ever heard of the offense called “DWB”? If not, then you should hear the story of Jessie Thornton, a 64-year-old retired firefighter from Arizona.

According to the arresting officer, Thornton was pulled over for supposedly crossing a white lane marker, after which he was found with bloodshot eyes. However, the defendant said his eyes were red because he had just finished swimming at a local health club. Moreover, his breathalyzer test registered at 0.000, meaning no trace of alcohol was found in his system when arrested.

What makes this case more complicated is the fact that Thornton is African-American, leading him and his lawyer to claim that the real cause for arrest was DWB, or “driving while black.” According to Thornton, he has been stopped 10 times and ticketed four times, all for violations he claims he did not commit.


Thursday, October 6, 2016

DUI Attorney Warns Federal Way Drivers of Sobriety Test Flaws Afield

In 2014 alone, almost 10,000 people perished because of alcohol-related car crashes, accounting for about one-third of all traffic-related casualties in the country. It’s therefore not surprising why courts mete out severe punishments to those caught driving under the influence (DUI). In the state of Washington, for instance, a person can be incarcerated for up to one year, on top of a four-year license suspension and up to $5,000 in fines.

Given the serious consequences of a DUI conviction, courts also impose stringent tests to prove a driver’s inebriation. One of these methods is the field sobriety test, which usually involves the walk and turn (WAT), the one leg stand (OLS), and the horizontal gaze nystagmus (HGN) tests.

But as a DUI attorney in Federal Way will tell you, such field tests possess inherent flaws that can implicate even sober, innocent drivers.
